- Burn fat with Eggs
Eggs are a rich source of proteins but are also a source of cholestorol. A couple of eggs can put your cholestorol levels above the permissible level. If you are worried about that, you can opt for egg whites which provide the health benefits without worrying about the cholestorol.
- Burn fat with Beans
Beans of all types are a rich source of proteins and fiber. Include them as a healthy snack in your diet and see how it helps in burning the fat. Just stay away from the baked and fried varieties. Baked beans have unwanted sugars and the fried beans are loaded with unhealthy fats. Just boil them with a pinch of salt and pepper and eat them.
- Burn fat with Oatmeal
Many people tend to skip breakfast in an attempt to lose weight and burn fat. They shouldn't be doing this, instead they should opt for food options that help them achieve their goal. In this matter, nothing can beat good old oatmeal. The advantages of oatmeal is that not only it helps burn fat, it also is a very good source of natural soluble fiber which can help reduce cholestorol which is good for your heart. When opting for oatmeal, stick to the plain one instead of instant. Use honey, fruits or berries to sweeten it instead of sugar. Don't go for the flavored ones as these are loaded with sweeteners or artificial flavoring agents.
- Burn fat with Almonds
Many people shun nuts thinking that they are laden with fats. While this is partially true, the fat in nuts are the good ones. When hunger pangs strike, go for almonds. These are not only good for burning fat, they keep you full longer. They are also a good source of fiber. Also, a study has proved that almonds are good for diabetic patients as well. Just stay away from the salted and fried varieties as these are loaded with salt and bad fats.
- Burn fat with Salmon
Salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are the good kind of fats. These omega-3 fatty acids help prevent stress chemicals which promote fat abs. These are good for your heart as well.
- Burn fat with Green Tea
Tea is rich in antioxidants which prevent against free radicals and also help in speeding metabolism thus aiding in burning fat. You can safely consume upto 4 cups of tea a day to reap its health benefits.
- Burn fat with Protein powder
Protein supplements is not just for gym goers. Protein powder contains amino acids which aid in breaking fat thus helping in burning fat and building muscles. Mix protein powder with milk shakes or smoothies. Just make sure that you are not filling your smoothies with sugar and other additives.
- Burn fat with Lean meat
Your stomach burns more calories digesting protein that carbs or fats. Include lean meat in your meals. The leanest meat of all is poultry with turkey topping the list. They are also a good source of protein which aid in building muscles.
- Burn fat with Berries
Berries are rich in antioxidants and pack a lot of fiber. These are good to keep you feeling full and are also a great way to sweeten your other dishes. When feeling hungry, opt for these healthy options.
- Burn fat with Peanut butter
Many people including me love peanut butter. They are a good source of niacin and proteins which help burn fat. Just ensure that your consumption doesn't exceed more than two spoons daily. Also opt for all natural varieties which does not have added sugar.
So now you have a list of great food that can help you burn fat and stay healthy. To know more about how to burn fat, check this post on How to burn fat